Philips MasterColour CMH 315w Daylight Lamps

Type: 315w Blue 942
Sale price£98.95


The 315 W Philips Master Colour lamp is a medium wattage lighting system that gives superior, longer-lasting white light for both indoor and outdoor use.

A full spectrum lamp with increased blue light. Works as supplemental lamp or used throughout the full growth period.

The 315 W Philips Master Green Power Elite Agro lamp has medium wattage lighting system that gives superior, longer-lasting white light for both indoor and outdoor use.

A full spectrum lamp with increased red light. Works as both a supplemental lamp or used throughout the full growth period.

Ceramic Metal Halide lamps are a relatively new development to the horticultural market - The technology used is slightly modified from existing HID units. A ceramic, rather than quartz igniter is used as well as a new mix of metallic elements and compounds. The ratio of elements included in the lamp denotes the spectral output. The inclusion of ceramic rather than quartz allows for a much higher operating temperature leading to a more stable and rounded spectral output.


Philips daylight CDM lamps are extremely efficient ceramic metal halide lamps with a spectral output close to natural sunlight. As a result, plants form more lateral branches, have smaller inter-nodal spacing, more flowering sites, and larger root systems, culminating in strong, healthy growth and high-quality yields.


Philips CDM bulbs have an amazing operating life - They maintain their high output for a lifespan of 30,000hrs on average.


Due to their recent entry to the market, ceramic metal halide lamps are known by several different names within the horticultural industry that are all essentially describing the same technology, including:

  • Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)
  • Ceramic Discharge Metal Halide (CDM)
  • Light Emitting Ceramic (LEC) LEC is a trademark name for the Sun System 315w LEC - a premium reflector purpose made to get the highest performance out of the 315w CDM bulb. Despite it being a trademark name, it utilises the same technology as other 315w CDM fixtures, just with a stronger output due to the higher reflectance.



The Philips 942 Blue lamps output is extremely close to the spectrum of sunlight so its great for veg.

It's an extremely efficient bulb producing 1.7 micromoles (µmol) per Watt

The graph below shows the spectral output of the Philips 942 (Blue) 315w CDM

spectral output of philips 315w CMD 942 blue


The Red lamp has a higher output in the red side of the spectrum so it's better for flowering.

The 930 trades some of the varied spectral output for a higher intensity - producing 1.9 micromoles (µmol) per Watt

The graph below shows the spectral output of the Philips 930 (Red) 315w CDM

spectral output of philips 315w CMD 930 red


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